- Stickers are one those tools that can be used for multiple reasons without tiring of them. You see them every day in thousands of scenarios and yet they are harmless enough that you are not offended by them. Stickers are printed in all shapes and sizes for a range of purposes. They are attractive looking, long lasting and can subtly convey an entire message at a single glance. You may be a business man or an NGO worker, you can get custom printed stickers to tell your story and implore your audience to take desired action.To give you an idea of what a little thing like a sticker can do for your business or cause, we have lined up a few ways you can use stickers to say something for you.
Stick ‘em with Promotions
Customized stickers can promote brands in an indirect, discreet manner. You can have your brand stickers applied on walls, streets, company vehicles, store windows, products and their packaging and they will get instant attention. Normally customers feel offended or overwhelmed by the amount of advertisement in their surroundings. but if your stickers have a really interesting face value then subconsciously they will make an impression on customer that isn’t easily subdued.
Stick ‘em with a Worthy Cause
Even if you aren’t a businessman with something to sell, still you can be benefitted from custom printed stickers. You can promote any charitable cause you are passionate about and make other people care about it too. And all, with a little sticker.
Finding it hard to believe? Well its true. How many times have you seen a red blood drop sticker pasted near crowded locales (bus stations, subways, shopping malls)? Or even seen them applied on clothes of random people. One look and you know that it’s for blood donation awareness or something similar. People always pause to think about these displays even if they are not aware of it.
Stick ‘em with a Political Message
Politics may be a tedious subject but everyone knows that political events effect life in more than one way of a country, or sometime affect even the globe. Everyone has a right to vote and as a patriot, you reserve the right to make sure that this voting decision is rightly fueled. You may be a candidate yourself or just a concerned civilian, if you want people to care about your point of view, you need to show that you are eligible for their trust. At RegaloPrint, custom printed stickers can convey your motto, your beliefs and all that you stand for and if it’s done rightly, people will wear it and act as your advocates. It is as simple as that.
Stick ‘em On Car Bumpers
‘Baby on board’
‘Just Married’
‘Yankee Fan’
‘Honk if you are headed for a hockey game’
Bumper stickers can express you and your life in millions of ways. They can be witty, sarcastic, humorous, patriotic, politically motivated, sports related or hundreds of other things that express who you are as a person and give your vehicle a personality. You can add fun bumper stickers that might not achieve any useful direct objective (unless they are promotional) but still look great. However, if they are reflective stickers they can help you protect on the roads too.
Stick ‘em with A Warning
Warning stickers are a handy tool. They can warn people of the consequence of their actions beforehand and people appreciate it. We all have used warning stickers that makes us avoid many potential hazards. Business use them for product instructions, road authorities use them for warning people of what lay ahead their paths, awareness campaigns make people hesitate in over indulgence.
Convinced Yet? If your answer is yes and you are looking for a sticker printing services that’s reliable and offers variety? Allow us to make a suggestion. RegaloPrint is a printing service provider that is known is Canada for premium sticker printing services on all stock materials (paper, vinyl, clear, embossed) for both indoor and outdoor application options.